Monday, January 26, 2009

Kids Banned from Public Libraries

“A library is not a luxury but one of the necessities of life.” – Henry Ward Beecher

Congress has not yet done anything to correct the flaws in the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act of 2008. If they do not act soon, children under 13 may no longer be allowed in libraries. How can a society that proudly promotes literacy allow this to happen?

For more information read the article by The American Library Association (ALA) and the letter they sent Congress.

I realize this is not the most major problem facing our country at this time but that is no reason to allow an Act that may do more harm than good to become a law on February 10, 2009.

Here are some of the Representatives you may want to contact regarding the act:
Speaker Nancy Pelosi Washington, DC Office (202) 225-4965
Senator Chuck Schumer Washington, DC Office (202) 224-6542
Representative Henry Waxman Washington, DC Office (202) 225-3976
Senator Daniel Inouye Washington, DC Office (202) 224-3934
Senator Jay Rockefeller Washington, DC Office (202) 224-6472

I’m hoping I’ll not have to wait until my grandson is 13 to introduce him to the wonders of our local public library.

Thanks for stopping by.

Tags: Beecher, Consumer Product Saftey Act, ALA, Congress, Pelosi, Schumer, Waxman, Inouye, Rockefeller,


Anonymous said...

You've got to be kidding me... At least if this happens it would wake up everybody to the absurdity of the CPSA. I can't imagine President Obama not being able to let his own little girls into a library.

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Never thought about kids being banned from libraries - maybe that will cause those in congress to realize the stupidity of this law!

So what about daycares? Playgrounds? Amusement parks? I can see how this could get out of control quickly!

L. Diane Wolfe

Sharon Reece said...

This is incredible, but this issue has probably been forgotten by most in the midst of all the other issues of the day. Thanks for the reminder.

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