How could I not investigate something that read “Weird Book Room?” I entered the room at and found the site lived to its description, “…a celebration of everything that's bizarre, odd and downright weird in books. Crazy cookbooks, unusual animal books, how to books that will teach skills you never knew you needed, books about hilarious hobbies, and books about every strange aspect of life you could possibly imagine and a few things you can't imagine.”
I’m assuming there are a few people, like myself, who have not completed their Christmas shopping. I thought I could use this site to give you some suggestions for those hard to please people, or pets, on your list.

For the discriminating homemaker there’s Paint It Black: A Guide To Gothi

Mensa members may enjoy The The Thermodynamics of Pizza by Harold J. Morowitz.
Isn’t there always a bird lover or two on everyone’s list?

Other books gift ideas include: How to Survive a Robot Uprising, by Daniel H. Wilson; People Who Don't Know They're Dead by Gary Leon Hill; Nuclear War: What's in It for You? by the Ground Zero War Foundation; How You Can Bowl Better Using Self-Hypnosis by Heise; Prehistoric Humans in Film and Television by Michael Klossner; and, The Beverly Hillbillies Bible Study by Stephen Skelton.
If by some off chance you can find nothing in the Weird Book Room that suits the names on your list, there are plenty of books available in The Spirit of the Season Catalog. You'll also find excellent choices under my blogroll. There's Pretty is as Pretty Dies by Elizabeth Spann Craig if you click on Mystery Writing in Murder. For Gayle Carline’s, Freezer Burn, click On the Edge of the Chair of Literature. There are too many to mention them all so feel free to shop around for ideas on my sidebar list.
Two reminders: 1) if you have purchased a copy of The Ride for yourself or someone else, I’ll be happy to send you a free signed bookplate. Simply contact me at 2) On Thursday, Dec. 17, I’ll be at the Holiday Book Festival at the Cultural Center of Charlotte County, 2280 Aaron Street, Port Charlotte, FL from 10 AM to 4:00 PM. Please stop by if you are in the area.
Happy shopping and thanks for dropping by.
Tags: Lenore Hershey, Weird book room, Abe Books, Spirit of the Season catalog, holiday book festival, cultural center of Charlotte Country,
One of my favorite weird books is "Why Cats Paint." Yes, my mother-in-law got it for me for Christmas one year!
The goth book really cracks me up!
Dogs doing yoga is priceless! Who would have thought!
Thanks for the interesting reading list Jane. Books are a definite buy for my Christmas list.
Stray shopping carts of Eastern North America? Oh I can just visualize the random cart-photos! I'm willing to bet there is some fascinating lore going on in that shopping book!
Cool - I'll have to check that out. Right on time, too - cuz I'm still WAY behind on my Christmas gifting campaign (nothin new, happens every year, lol), so this will help - thanks!
Marvin D Wilson
I think perhaps I need that People Who Don't Know Their Dead book. I don't have anyone in mind at the moment to gift it to, but I can see how I might in the future.
Straight From Hel
These are a riot!!! I personally like "The English: Are they Human?" and "50 Ways to Use Feminine Hygiene Products in a Manly Manner"
As I’m attuned to submissions and query work right now, I’m wondering how some of these would be pitched? I’m also curious about how the back cover might read. Lastly, the look on the cashiers’ face when I tried to check out with, well, any of them. Yikes.
Best Regards, Galen.
Imagineering Fiction Blog
These are SO FUNNY!
Oh my goodness. I can only imagine my corgi's face if I tried to make her do yoga. "What're we doing now, Mom?"
Mystery Writing is Murder
I read a book the other night written for dyslexic agnostics with insomnia. They couldn't get to sleep because they worry if there really is a Dog.
Those are definitely some weird books. I hope I don't get any of those for Christmas. Well, maybe the nuclear war or Beverly Hillbillies Bible Study might be kind of neat. But getting a book for Christmas wouldn't be bad-- better than something weird I'll never use. I don't recall if I've ever gotten a book for Christmas.
Great post. I'm passing the WHAT BIRD DID THAT? book on to my sister. She's the one person I know who would appreciate it.
I admit I could never resist something entitled "Weird Book Room". Thanks for bringing these books to my attention. These are prizes.
My Christmas dilemmas solved - thanks, Jane!
How to Survive a Robot Uprising. That's the one I need.
We once bought an illustrated children's book for my sister and her four kids called Everyone Poops. Yep, page after page of kids and animals pooping. It was a gag gift. I don't think she appreciated the book.
Stephen Tremp
I have actually heard of Dog Yoga when I was in NYC. I had no idea it was called DOGA. I tried one move on my dog and she seemed to like it OH so very little.
I love the "weird book" concept! I can think of a few people I could buy these books for. Thanks for the laughs - and the ideas!
I once listened to a radio interview for the Doga book and it was hilarious. I love yoga, and I love my dog more than anything, but I'm NOT getting him to do yoga with me. My husband draws the line at doggie ballroom dancing and doggie massage.
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